
My Classic Putong Puti Using White King (Puto) Steamed White Cake Mix

May 27, 2014
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Putong Puti (Steamed White Cake) is a popular dessert here in the Philippines. It can be eaten on its own, with your favorite cup of hot coffee, tea, or chocolate, or paired with Dinuguan or Pancit. It's versatile! 

Now I can make my own at home anytime despite my very busy schedule. White King (Puto) Steamed White Cake Mix made it all possible. In less than an hour, my family can enjoy a scrumptious puto that tastes like or even much better than the ones being bought in Filipino restaurants and bakeshops.

Easy Recipes, Food, White King Cake Mix, White King Puto Mix, Putong Puti Recipe, All-Around Pinay Mama Blog, SJ Valdez

Ingredients and Procedure

(as seen at the back of the box and my own version)

Easy Recipes, Food, White King Cake Mix, White King Puto Mix, Putong Puti Recipe, All-Around Pinay Mama Blog, SJ Valdez


Easy Recipes, Food, White King Cake Mix, White King Puto Mix, Putong Puti Recipe, All-Around Pinay Mama Blog, SJ Valdez

Boil water in a steamer first to save time. I apologize for the integrity of my steamer. It's 20 years old. :) 


Easy Recipes, Food, White King Cake Mix, White King Puto Mix, Putong Puti Recipe, All-Around Pinay Mama Blog, SJ Valdez

Mix all ingredients. NOTE: I used two packs instead of one pack of Puto Mix (equivalent to 400 grams) so other ingredients were doubled. I preferred using butter instead of oil. 

Easy Recipes, Food, White King Cake Mix, White King Puto Mix, Putong Puti Recipe, All-Around Pinay Mama Blog, SJ Valdez

Make sure that all ingredients are well-blended. 

Easy Recipes, Food, White King Cake Mix, White King Puto Mix, Putong Puti Recipe, All-Around Pinay Mama Blog, SJ Valdez

Easy Recipes, Food, White King Cake Mix, White King Puto Mix, Putong Puti Recipe, All-Around Pinay Mama Blog, SJ Valdez

Pour into puto molds about 3/4 full (about two tablespoons). 


Easy Recipes, Food, White King Cake Mix, White King Puto Mix, Putong Puti Recipe, All-Around Pinay Mama Blog, SJ Valdez

Steam for about 15-25 minutes. Don't forget to place cheesecloth before putting the cover to avoid water droplets from dripping on your puto mixture. Puto is cooked when it's shiny and bounces back when pressed. Just to be sure, you may insert a toothpick or fork. When it comes out clean, that means your puto is cooked. 

Easy Recipes, Food, White King Cake Mix, White King Puto Mix, Putong Puti Recipe, All-Around Pinay Mama Blog, SJ Valdez

No need to brush the surface with butter. Makes 24 medium-sized puto per 400 gram pack 

Easy Recipes, Food, White King Cake Mix, White King Puto Mix, Putong Puti Recipe, All-Around Pinay Mama Blog, SJ Valdez

Serve plain or with grated cheese on top. For me, it tastes like Goldilocks Butter Puto. So delicious! 

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  1. sa 1 box ilang pcs po ngwa nyo?

    1. Hi, dear! I was able to make a dozen of medium-sized putong puti. :)

    2. Hi can i use this puto mix po sa pag gawa ng putoflan? Thank you and more power! ☺


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